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From Labor Worker to DC Summer Intern

I received the opportunity to be part of the 2022 NMSHSA internship that would take place in Washington DC! I was beyond thankful to hear it would be my first summer to explore beyond the warehouse walls. Over the past 2 years since I graduated high school, I have worked 12 hours shifts, 7 days a week to provide for myself during my college journey. You can imagine this NMSHSA Summer Internship was both a dream come true and an opportunity I could not refuse!

From the moment I landed in Washington, DC I couldn't help but feel nervous, yet excited at the same time. This would be my first job placement in which I was gaining knowledge and more work experience, not doing something I was already familiar with. During my time in Washington DC, I visited the Washington Monument, which is known to be the tallest building in DC. My favorite part was being able to walk to the Lincoln Memorial in which Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. I was also able to enjoy the view of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the structure of which is truly one of a kind. Something I am glad I got to be part of during my time in DC was the Pride Parade and March for Our Lives. It is heartwarming to see a city come together to celebrate change in society and create an accepting environment for everyone.

Besides being able to see famous historic sites, I was lucky enough to have met two incredible people during my time in this internship, those being Alma and Jose. We bonded over simple things like target runs, grabbed lunch and dinner together, but most importantly, we were there for one another since it was our first time being away from home. It truly muses me how much dedication and determination they have for their community and for themselves. Being able to relate with them was something so real and we were able to build a connection on the spot. I am glad to say that, not only has this internship created more opportunities for myself, but it has also led me to build life-long friendships that will continue beyond this summer experience. 

Blog Author(s)
Author: Gizela Gaspar – Class of 2022