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From PC to DC

Interns taking a selfie, 2022

Welcome to Washington DC. That’s when it hit me. That’s when I realized I was no longer in itty bitty Plant City. Was I scared? No. Was I nervous? A little, but I was also excited. Honestly, this still feels unreal. I still cannot believe I am here and that I managed to receive this amazing opportunity. The short drive to the hotel was an experience. The Executive Director of NMSHSA, Cleofas Rodriguez, Jr., was pointing out all the monuments I had only seen in the movies, and it was all magnificent.

The following morning, I dressed in a business casual outfit, meaning no mom jeans or oversized t-shirts. I met my cohort members, Jose and Gizela, and from there on I knew that a beautiful friendship would blossom. We set out to explore DC on Friday, and so far, we had seen the White House, the Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial. It was so much walking, but honestly, it was worth the leg pain if it meant that we were laughing and enjoying our time together. The weekend was a day to get lost and see what else DC had to offer. From getting coffee to late night talks, my fellow interns have been two of the best people I have met. It felt like we had known each other for a long time, despite barely having met each other on Friday.

This week was packed with a lot of information and introducing ourselves to many important people, like Alison Feighan of the Feighan Team. It amazes me how much is really done behind the scenes for Migrant and Seasonal Head Start programs. This makes me appreciate the sacrifices my parents have made and has also motivated me even more to step out of my comfort zone and take opportunities that are offered to me. I am excited to see what else is in store for us, the adventures we will take and the opportunities that are yet to come. 

Blog Author(s)
Author: Alma Hernández De La Cruz – Class of 2022