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Key to a Position

Interns taking a selfie. Blog 5, 2021.

Networking to me is the key to finding a job or even moving forward. It is easier and quicker to get a job when you know someone, or someone knows about you. There is more trust between a connection than having to get to know a stranger. As an intern for the capital of the U.S. I know that building my network is important for me because it is always seen as an amazing accomplishment, to be able to work in Washington DC. I practice this skill every day. When I am in a social setting, and I try to have a conversation with others because you never know who can be of some assistance towards you and your aspirations but also who could use your help to move along in life. NMSHSA can be considered the middleman for us interns, and the partnerships they hold. Thanks to them we were able to have direct connections with our placements and create relationships within our teams and coworkers. Being an outgoing person has helped me be more open and sociable with strangers. I can say it is easy for me to say my 30 second pitch on the spot. At first, I struggled having an intro, middle, and end but after several practices it came out naturally. It is so important to know who that is out there can benefit you and who can assist you in accomplishing those goals you have. That is why NMSHSA teaches us the key to jobs, networking. During our time in DC, NMSHSA was able to set up in person or Zoom meetings with their partnerships and we were all able to speak to them and keep in touch by exchanging information.

Blog Author(s)
Author: Jaqueline Palacios – Class of 2021