Talk to Me

If you google, “Define networking” you'll find that networking means interacting with people and exchanging information to each other to develop contact with someone either professional or social. The past two weeks have been all about networking, and I came to comprehend that my family has always been networking to find new opportunities for us and that is why it came effortlessly to me. Networking gave me opportunities of a lifetime as a girl born and raised in a small town named Center, CO.

As a child, I recall thinking that my dad was a very curious man towards other people’s interests. Therefore, I grew up also being curious. It's what taught me how to network, sharing information was astonishing to me. I not only had to network for myself, but for my parents also because of the language barrier growing up. I constantly had to introduce myself whenever my mom took me with her for either a new job opportunity, a hospital visit, or even just to buy groceries because she doesn’t speak English.
I got to experience being on Capitol Hill with Tri-Valley Opportunity Council and advocate for Minnesota Migrant and Seasonal Head Start (MSHS). I learned so much from the staff of Tri-Valley and the goals they have for the MSHS program. I got to see Capitol Hill in person and sat in one of those fancy chairs they sit on in the offices. It was super exciting to finally introduce myself to the Congressmen we spoke to. I learned what a 30 second pitch was, and it helped me gather my thoughts as to how I should present myself now that I am evolving into my career goals and expanding my network. Learning what a 30 second pitch has made me more confident in who I am and who I am going to become.