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NMSHSA Events App

Don't Miss a Beat!

NMSHSA Events App Logo

Download the NMSHSA Events App to prepare for the 2025 National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association Annual Conference. Resources, sessions, notifications... all at your fingertips!

Download the App

For Android and Apple users, search for NMSHSA Events in the App Store/ Google Play or click the respective image below to be redirected.


Google Play logo


App Store logo

Access from the Web

You can also access the app from your web browser. Just visit the following URL to get the app on your smartphone, tablet, or PC:

Web app works on most browsers (current version), including: Google Chrome, Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge.

Getting Started with the App

Sign in with the email address you used for registration. After entering your email address, create a passcode to secure your profile.

Note that if you participated in previous conferences using the Results@Hand app, your email address might have already an account with a passcode. You can use that passcode or, if you don't remember it, select Forgot my passcode and will receive an automated email with a new passcode.

Once logged in, tap Profile to update your information, upload a picture, and adjust your sharing settings. Watch this video to help you get started.

Using the App for the Conference

Upon login, access the 2024 National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association Annual Conference immediately.

Refresh Your App periodically for the latest updates.

Check In to Sessions

Remember to check in for each session you attend. You should be able to check in from 1 hour prior to session start time until 1 hour after the session ended. 

Once you check in you are able to evaluate the session, and the CEUs get credited in your transcript.

Evaluate Sessions

You can evaluate the sessions at any time during or after the session, even after the conference ends.

App Support and Questions

Email to

Bookmark this page. More information about the use of the app will be added in the upcoming days.

Speakers' Portal

Sign in to the NMSHSA Events App now to manage your sessions, speaker profile, and more!

Step 1: Access the Portal from the Web!

You can access the app from your web browser with the following URL:

The portal is the best viewed from a computer or tablet.

Web app works on most browsers (current version), including: Google Chrome, Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge.

Step 2: Login

Sign in with the email address you used for registration. After entering your email address, create a passcode when prompted.

Step 3: Access the Speaker Portal

Select the Speaker Portal Icon from the homescreen. View our full Speaker Portal Video Tutorial for a more detailed overview of the portal.

In the portal you can upload session materials, view evaluation results, and see who favorited your session.

Read our PDF instructions for detailed instructions on how to access the Speaker Portal and available permissions.