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Meet the National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association alumni from the Summer Internship.

Jacqueline Aguilar

Alumni - Class of 2023

Otero College Child Development Services
Hometown: Center, Colorado
School: Adams State University
Major: Sociology with a Focus on Social Work

"This internship helped me grow as a professional, and as a person. It helped me learn from different perspectives and expand my knowledge on many things like policy work, bills trying to get passed on child labor, and social issues that I was unaware of before I came on this internship. I came home wanting to double major, and become the best version of myself, whether that be in or out of school. I feel like I am able to conquer the world and can always learn  ore from people’s experiences. I would recommend this internship to students, adding one piece of advice: go out and be great."

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    Jacqueline Aguilar

Hailey Caudillo

Alumni - Class of 2023

Hometown: Pharr, Texas
School: Texas State University
Major: Public Administration and Latino Studies

"As I leave and blossom into a NMSHSA alum, I still cannot find the words to express my gratitude towards this internship program and the people that made it possible. I came into this internship with one main goal: to build confidence. I have gained that and more. The knowledge and experience I have received will benefit my new goal in building an MSHS community at my university, and to spread this internship to others. I see the world in such a new, beautiful light thanks to this experience. To all and every Latino student: You can do it. You belong here, and you have so much to give to the world!"

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    Hailey Caudillo

Hogla Deida Cortez Vega

Alumni - Class of 2023

Inspire Development Centers
Hometown: Sunnyside, Washington
School: Whitworth University
Major: Political Science and Spanish (Language and Literature)

"From this internship I gained confidence and exposure to policy work at a national level, only reassuring me of my career choice. While my primary focus remains on immigration law, this internship introduced me to various issues that impact immigrant families and has equipped me on how to advocate on their behalf.  Prior to this internship I had a theoretical understanding of what politics looked like, but it was only through firsthand observation that I truly grasped its dynamics. Seeing the application of concepts I studied  in my textbooks being used, allowed me to appreciate different organizations diverse strategies in trying to make change. Professionally this opportunity provided the first steps into my long term career but I have also learned how to overcome imposter syndrome especially when you can't relate to anyone, but your cohort members, in such a competitive environment. It is important to remember your value and the journey that led you to where you are."

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    Hogla Deida Cortez

Elvis Rodriguez

Alumni - Class of 2023

East Coast Migrant Head Start Project
Hometown: Avon Park, Florida
School: University of South Florida
Major: Political Science, with a Minor in Criminology

"This internship has provided me with invaluable insights into my own capabilities, how to harness them effectively, and the essential qualities of a successful leader. As I move forward, I'm excited to channel the knowledge I've gained toward making a positive impact on my community. I intend to leverage these experiences not only in future internships and employment endeavors but also to contribute meaningfully to the betterment of our world.

Moreover, this internship has afforded me a broader perspective on the array of career opportunities aligned with my major. This newfound understanding has equipped me with the tools to thoughtfully map out my path ahead, ensuring that my future remains dynamic and promising. I wholeheartedly endorse this internship to all eligible candidates, as it grants access to a unique and supportive community that is genuinely unparalleled.

In light of my journey, I'd like to emphasize the importance of perseverance. If you possess a goal, seize it with unwavering determination and capitalize on every opportunity that comes your way."

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    Elvis Rodriguez
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