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D.C. Here I Come!

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Author: María Espinoza – Class of 2021
Publish Date

The time I have spent with NMSHSA as an intern has been so impactful and moving. As a recent graduate, joining NMSHSA during the summer before starting my professional career was the perfect timing. It felt like a homecoming, where I was able to reconnect with the people and program that gave me the foundation for my education.

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    Interns and other people next to the river.

At the Finish Line

Blog Author(s)
Author: Jaqueline Palacios – Class of 2021
Publish Date

After school ended early for me, the first week of May, I remember thinking to myself, “Wow, I am finally meeting everyone in person soon. I will be in New York City and Washington, D.C. living my best first moments of the summer.” When I received my flight confirmation, I felt my heart surge with excitement as the blood rushed to my chest.

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    Interns in New York
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