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Making and Seeing a Difference: My Journey with UFW Begins

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Author: Elvis Rodríguez– Class of 2023
Publish Date

I am honored to be given this opportunity and I know this organization will further enhance my professional development skills.  This organization embodies many of the goals and values I hold dear, and I am excited to contribute to an organization that strives for a better future for farmworkers and their communities. 

It's Time to Be Vulnerable

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Author: Jacqueline Aguilar – Class of 2023
Publish Date

The Child Labor Coalition has made me feel vulnerable, proud, and excited about my future. It’s okay to come from the lettuce fields. I should embrace what made me and love every aspect of my life as a farm worker's child. I’ve always been told, “Surround yourself around people who make you great” and that is exactly the type of people I am around now.

Needed a Little Fixing on my Resume

Blog Author(s)
Author: Deida Cortez – Class of 2023
Publish Date

Between mentorship, lunches, and an evening at a baseball game the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) team has already helped me grow so much as a person in such a short time. My work placement manager has been extremely welcoming and supportive since the beginning of my internship!

  • Image
    Interns standing in a Stadium.

Talk to Me

Blog Author(s)
Author: Jacqueline Aguilar – Class of 2023
Publish Date

All my life I’ve known how to advocate and network for my parents because of the language barrier. Now it was time to network for myself and create connections in D.C. for my future. It came quite easy to me, but I still had to learn how to properly introduce myself.

  • Image
    Jacqueline Aguilar standing in front of the Capitol.
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